Pittsburgh Sport Karate

Champions bleed black & gold. Since the 1960s the Pittsburgh area has produced some of the top karate champions in the country. Pittsburgh “Sport Karate” is regions top ranked fighters in open karate, tae kwon do, tang soo do, kung fu etc. The best of best in Japanese, Chinese, Korean competitive martial arts. For upcoming tournaments visit www.kumiteclassic.com This is the area’s top resource for open sport karate and sport martial arts competitions and championships. Team Kumite follows the major open circuits NBL National Black Belt League and NASKA North American Sport Karate Association. If you are an athlete and looking to join Team Kumite please contact us. We are dedicated to helping all karate competitors from all schools and styles in the Pittsburgh region succeed on the national level.
Team Kumite Memeber Dominic Leader (Left) winning the 2011 Kumite Classic at the Monroeville Convention Center. The event is one of largest on the NBL circuit.